Thursday, March 19, 2009

Social networks mashup with LinkedIn around the campfire

  The Personal Branding Network I belong to posted this question on LinkedIn;

How much have social networks intercepted your personal/professional life? 

My reply was:

Social networks/ing intercepting personal/profession life is the 21st century mashup what used to happen around the water cooler or break room.  Just because we are isolated in our cubicles or 'virtual' workplace we are still social beings. We have extended our social tribe to include everyone else in the world.  The evening tribal campfire    discussed the day's hunting activity, the break room voices were about the last/next weekend's plans. Now we use social media on the company computer to tell someone 10 time zones away what we are doing along with the project status up date.  Still trading stories around a 'virtual' campfire.  

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