Monday, March 23, 2009

Growing up with Twitter


As the insightful career coaches/song writers John Lennon & Paul McCartney wrote for "Baby, You're a Rich Man"-Now that you know who you are, What do you want to be?  A Tweepie moves through several phases of growing up with the "SMS of the Internet".  Like from diapers to diapers and some time in between.

Your Doings

As a newbie with Twitter [Doug_Caldwell] my upbringing has been to move from the initial to something more.  I am a work in progress. Nobody much cares to follow you here because you haven't registered a moment in cyberspace.  Not to worry, much like the infant who makes loud noises we don't understand you will find your 'voice'.  My first tweets were; I am here, going there, and be there about then.  Just like cell phones when we had conversations with other people at the same time.  A novel idea, I wonder if it will come back someday?

You Interested?

Now that you have followed a few and gotten a few followers you start asking is there anything more.  This stuff about what others are doing is not interesting, but I have seen some interesting stuff you would be interested in.  Be it community, the world events or non-events, funny/sad comments, lifestyle, people, things, dates, and so-on.  The important development in this phase is you find it 'very interesting' so you share.  RT's, copy/paste, blogging get more action from you.  You are moving on as a Tweepie.

Interesting and Why

In this phase our interesting re-tweets aren't enough.  Your tweet is more for value to others than just your interests.  Others provide you the concept, the WOW of insight, Eureka moment!  Now you feel compelled to tell others the WHY this is interesting.  You have become one of '14 types of Twitter Personalities' and you know it.  Awareness is the first sign of maturity in being a better Tweepie.  Embrace it, give yourself a big hug.  Followers are getting more interested in you when they re-tweet more often.

What I have become

In Twitter world you are not doing, you have become...a *POI.  One who is followed for your wisdom, charm, all-around good person, somebody in the know or any standard you admire in others. You are a role model of the   Your tweets are inspired and have a viral re-tweet effect upon others.  Your tweets are infectious to all and the cure is to re-tweet your viewpoints.  This phase is about what you have become as you know 'what you want to be' and encourage others to find their being.  Yes, you do have a life in the Twitterati because of your role is helping others and not about you doing.     

*  Tweet On!


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